July 2012
1 post
2 tags
My interview in the Wall Street Journal about EnemyGraph.
Jul 17th
2 notes
February 2012
1 post
2 tags
EnemyGraph Facebook Application
UPDATE: you can follow the trending & top enemies on enemygraph.com and my ongoing comments on the project on twitter. For press see bottom of this post. For the past six months my research group has been looking into an app that explores social dissonance on Facebook. Today we are announcing the public release of EnemyGraph. The project was developed principally by graduate student Bradley...
Feb 22nd
39 notes
October 2011
1 post
1 tag
Emotion Recognition Research
Starting this semester my team has begun looking at emotion recognition technology. This is a funded research project with one of our outside partners. The core technology is from a colleague’s team in computer science, building off open source research. Our team is looking at the creative potential and privacy implications. Every technology can be exploited creatively, and experimental...
Oct 24th
14 notes
July 2011
1 post
2 tags
Jul 28th
8 notes
April 2011
1 post
Apr 19th
March 2011
3 posts
1 tag
Mar 27th
1 tag
Mar 15th
Mar 2nd
1 note
February 2011
1 post
2 tags
the best fiction films of 2010 were (not)...
Two thirds of them anyway. Seriously though, the most compelling experiences I had in the theater this year in 2010 involved three films, all of which are fictional, two of which were labeled as documentaries. I saw a good many films in 2010, mostly on Friday nights at the latest possible screening. Most of them were disappointing. But not Winters Bone, I’m Still Here, and Exit Through the...
Feb 3rd
1 note
January 2011
11 posts
2 tags
Jan 31st
1 note
2 tags
Jan 28th
2 tags
Jan 7th
2 notes
1 tag
Jan 1st
1 tag
Jan 1st
1 tag
Jan 1st
1 tag
Jan 1st
3 notes
1 tag
Jan 1st
3 tags
Jan 1st
1 tag
Jan 1st
1 tag
this is not a blog
What the hell is this? I’ve had a number of blogs and websites over the years, both personal and professional. I ended up despising most of them, but especially the blogs. I do write the several essays a year, do interviews, and, for a while, did cultural commentary for a major newspaper. But these are exceptions and my time for writing is ever more limited. What I mostly do is make...
Jan 1st