Archive for May, 2008

inter.sect art collective

Thursday, May 15th, 2008

my favorite videos from the Real Time Exhibition.

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Seeing things in Seesmic

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

I’ve been experimenting with Seesmic, which is a form of threaded video conversations. It extracts the kind of reply-to conversations that have sprung up on YouTube in the last few years. The environment makes me want to be absurdist and performative. This is because every kind of recording (audio or video) I’ve ever done has always been some form of performance, so the tendency is still there with Seesmic. Basically on this night, my first on the platform, I turned myself into a caricature or avatar. The full thread with responses is here. btw on the last video when the blue light goes out that was an accident. The light is my screen saver and it went to sleep mode.

Virtual Worlds Class @ Dallas Museum of Art

Friday, May 2nd, 2008

My graduate Virtual Worlds class will present “Virtual World Art & Design in Second Life”, Saturday, May 3, at the Dallas Museum of Art’s Horchow Auditorium at 7 and 9 p.m. as part of the museum’s opening for the Center for Creative Connections @ the DMA. It is a free event.

In between presentations the auditorium will be an open lab for visitors to ask questions and interact with the student researchers, and the inter.sect mobile art group will be creating live video works.

The event will be streamed live from my mobile phone. I’ll put up a live link on just before the event.